Nov 1, 2010

Georgia Southern University

Just came back from my show at....

Where is it?

45 minutes drive from Savannah airport and it seemed a small town but the college offers big dreams. I met 3 graduate students who works for The Multicultural Student Center, with Ms.Consuela Ward, the director. They gave me ground transportation and lots of help. I enjoyed listening to their dream with Master Degree they are earning.

Last night at the end of my show, one of the audience asked me "did you always dream of becoming a storyteller?" My answer was no, not always. My first dream was becoming a dancer - I dreamed of becoming the ballerina like my teacher in Osaka but I broke my ankle twice and gave up. Next I dreamed to become a pantomime like Baptiste in a French movie 'Children of Paradise' (1945)

But copying Baptiste was not enough to become a mime (sigh,,, it didn't take too long to find out) and my journey has begun. In this adventure the road is bumpy and I fill the road with try & error and sometime I dig a hall out of curiosity, then discover something to carry with me, such as storytelling. Now my new dream is becoming a good storyteller. I wonder what it takes to become a goooood storyteller. Hope the answer is in this journey somewhere.